
The Little Red Desk

I purchased the cutest little desk and chair set for the little guy a month ago at the GOODWILL and initally had planned to give it to him from Santa for Christmas... Well that idea went out the window when I realized that he had to help me sneak all the furniture out of my trunk onto the balcony before the hubs got home (giggle giggle) I am a terrible story teller so i went ahead and told him it was his BUT he couldn't have it until Christmas... So it sat on the balcony for a few weeks and finally Sunday I sanded, primed and painted this old desk a vibrant red!!! The first project in his new big boy room transformation! YAY



My cam is taking terrible pics today... okay maybe it's me but thanks to Sarah over at ThriftydecorChick i now know the secret of taking a good picture


The dove from out Silver Gold and Fuschia Christmas Tree

Thanks Girl :)

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas!!!

Okay... soooo you're probably going to hate me :) But I freaking love love love the snow!!! In fact I love it so much that I prayed for a blizzard... No Work.. meaning more time to get some of my household projects done :) and a White Christmas! and YAY! Look Outside IT'S GORG!!! well... it was until my "pressed" neighbors decided that their cars would grow wings and fly out of the parking spaces... I mean come on... I drive a truck and I have'nt attempted to go anywhere it's snowing.... really hard and Smart Guy, if the parking lot looks like this what do you think the roads look like? SMH Some People....

So anyway .... I promised the little guy that I would take him out in the snow.... AFTER i finished tugging and pulling at the 10,000 nails that were in my thrifty store chair... It had been sitting in the corner FOREVER and what perfect time to begin pulling it apart than a snow day... Well.... What a job!? I'm almost certain that I picked the hardest chair to do for my first reupholstering project but it's all good! I'm not giving up... I think I stabbed myself ooooo 4 or 5 times before I decided to take a break and perfect timing! The little guy is up!!!! So i layered him in ooo about 4 or 5 layers of clothes and put his snow suit on! A scarf, hat , coat ang gloves and poor thing was burining up...I assured him he'd thank me once we ventured out into the winter blizzard :)

It was Freezing! O M G ... Pretty to look at but talk about frost bite... I cut the outdoor play a little short... i don't think the little guy minded much, he kept sinking into holes with every step the snow was so deep... poor thing LOL it was actually kind of cute... I called the Hubs and told him get the hot coacoa ready we're coming up... sooo 30 minutes and 10 frozen fingers and toes later we were home! And this is what Barbie Jones has to show for it :)


It's never too early to plan for next year!

I really need to get on top of my blogging game! I am sure once I get into the swing of things I'll be overwhelming you with posts :) Well... My Husband (I just love saying that, What!? I'm a newlywed!) And I are looking into purchasing our FIRST HOME! (HAPPY DANCE!) I am soooooo freaking happy! He's happy to not continue wasting a ton of money on our two bedroom, one bath apartment! I'm excited about DECORATING!!! Yes, I’m a complete DORK!

He gave me that strange face again yesterday after I jumped with joy about my plans for after Christmas shopping! O don’t act like you don’t get your cards, wrapping paper and decorations after Christmas for next year ;)… Michaels, Ross, Marshalls, Target, Home Goods… they all mark their Christmas stuff down! And I plan to RACK UP!!! I def. need to get some of those festive bins for storage, I’ve seen them at the Targets and Big Lots and while I’m thinking about it I’ll have to make some cute signs to label them with so there is some type of order in our soon to be garage!

I get email updates BHG.COM (one of my newly found obsessions) but never open them from my blackberry and never can find the time to browse the World Wide Web at home… Maybe if I had a laptop with wireless… (hmmm gift to self…???) Any who where was I? O yes… BHG.com BARBIE LOVES IT!!! I’ve been saving pictures in a holiday folder on my desktop for about 2 days! Some of my inspiration for our not yet purchased home… Hey one can dream right!!!???
It's never too late to plan for next year...


Drool... The Wish List

Dear Santa...

O how I love Poterry Barn!!! Thanks for the Inspiration!!!

Goodwill Game Cabinet

A few weeks ago after my obession with all things creative began i ran to the Goodwill with crossed fingers hoping to find some inspiring pieces to give our apartment a much needed facelift... Well... I spent oooooo about 70.00 LOL and came home with a desk (finished that on Saturday), a game cabinent for the living room, a boudior chair ( i was going to put it in the bedroom but we need another chair in the living room sooooo lol), a desk and chair for thre little guys room, and a chair for the computer desk.. NOT BAD.. NOT BAD AT ALL... Well I don't know the darndest thing about painting... and here I am thinking it's easy... yeah right!!! But was I going to give up NOPE.... Sure I messed up a few times ;) But we get better as we go along right LOL... The Cabinet is not finished... Just need to do some touch ups, add another coat to the shelves, put the glass back on the door and of course reapply the knobs but i was soooo freaking excited.. I just had to share! I got the idea of stacking books from Sarah aka ThriftyDecorChic... soooooo sooooo cute! (Thanks Babes!)  I'm learning!!!! I will unveil my living room once everything is done... KISSES

Sorry for the blurriness... Little Guy hid the camera... Snapshots with the BB.



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