

I'll be headed out Saturday to see Sex in the City 2 (DYING TO SEE IT BTW)
and the remainder will be spent RELAXING maybe a little SHOPPING!





O Louis How I Love thee!! One of my very dear friends had a Louis Chair in the corner of her master and I drooled over it the entire night... Until she told me how much she paid for it... (250 dollars from an antique store) I love her dearly but I'm like BITCH is you crazy!!?? Well today I go into the thrift store with my fingers crossed hoping to find a patio set, no luck btw and what do you know! THERE'S MY CHAIR! I almost broke my neck climbing up that metal shelf to get it down.. But I got it! and it's a HOT ASS MESS! Literally! Seriously whoever attempted to revamp it MUST HAVE BEEN high on crack! Who would do such a thing!? I am so looking forward to this new project! I know you're reading this Nat Bug!!! I paid 7.00 for mine!

I am really feeling the stripes.. and I have that black and white material... I think I may have to chanel this!!

Happy Birthday HUBBY!!!

Today is my HUBBY'S BIRTHDAY! He's the big 24! We've had some Fun Birthday's Together Boo! Here's to 80 or 90 more!!! LOVE YOU BUNCHES!!



If you follow my blog u know EXACTLY how much I ADORE Ashlina of The Decorist!!!! (visit her blog) She's having a fabulous Giveaway! and ooooo what is she gifting to one lucky winner????
This Rug

Dolls... Do you know how Baaaaaaaddd I want it!

Just as bad as you!

So cross ur fingers and go check her out!

and if you haven't yet...


LOVES!!! ME!!! SOME!!! HER!!!



I have a secret! I'm obsessed with candles! I find it so comforting to have guests compliment me on how good my home smells not to mention its super sexy! Whenever I go to Target, which is quite often I find myself roaming around the candle aisle and I somehow always seem to leave with about five or six and in a week I'm back to buying more. It's sick... Seriously, I don't even want to see the receipts... I called my sissy pooh today and told her that I have decided to make candles... of course she laughed and said I was bored.. LAUGH IT UP! But I'm so serious! Tomorrow I am heading to Michael's with my coupons for my supplies... and I'm going to get BUSY with my candle making!!!

And to help me with the process...


Sorry I tried to embed the video but for some reason it's not letting me!


O the Parties!

The Bestie had a birthday yesterday! And we went to DC's newest and hottest spot! Bar 7. Uber Chic might I ad with GREAT music... I don't remember ever sitting down or discontinuing my two step because the song being played was wack.. From start to finish it was LIVE and the drinks were great! The crowd was sexy and we had a blast!!! Can't u tell.. Wish I could've taken more pictures but my cameras MIA and it was crowded and I'll be damned if my HTC HD2 was about to go missing in that sea of people LOL!

Happy Birthday Kiki.. 24 yikes... One year closer to 30!

Getting Ready

Find Rug Check

I'm on this rug hard  I have been looking for THIS rug forever! and I mean forever and I was starting to think that it would never happen.. Why? Because I was not paying oooo i don't know A THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR IT! aint that much love in the world! and I just happened to see it on overstock .com for 91.99 a much more comfortable price! I'm thinking thats the best price imma see.. so I'm going for it! I just hope that Overstock.com doesn't have to  see my bad side..I don't play with my money and I've heard mixed reviews! We'll See.


Golden Bamboo Tray Table Giveaway

I haven't participated in a give a way in a while.. Probably because I never win lol But its always good to hope! and I so hope that I win this FABULOUS Golden Bamboo Tray Table that Bellacor is giving away to one of From the Right Bank's readers! I so see a bar cart in it's future!!! Fingers Crossed!


I've been stingy with the pics of our almost completed Living Room! The pics are a little grainy because they were taken with my phone whenever my camera decides to show face I'll take better ones! Our living room is very Excentric! and I absolutely love it! It's grown on Mr. Jones too, which makes me very, very happy. He's not used to this chair not matching this rug and this lamp and what not, and neither was I... So I went with our care free personalities and dome inspiration from a few pics! and this is what I came up with! AND I LOVE IT!!!! A little bit of this and a little bit of that.. The thrift stores are freaking gold mines I tell you!!! So without further a do I present our ALMOST completed Living Room... Emphasis on the ALMOST.. Still have a ways ta go...
1. Finish up the art wall
2. Buy sofa... The futons temporary and it's served its purpose so now its gotta go!
3. Buy Rug/ DIY Chevron rug... Haven't decided yet
4. Pick up accent chairs from in laws and have reupholstered
5. Put together 3rd bookcase to put the rest of DVDS on.. Sad I know but we LOVE our Movies
6. Finish Painting Credenza...
7. Buy Bigger TV for Credenza.. The 42 in LCD isn't cutting it anymore
8. Purchase more books!


Glossy Baby

 You wanna know why my list of To Do's and Projects just keep growing and growing and growing? Because whenever I go into the Good Will or a tiny Thrift Shop with a plan I always end up walking out with something else.. So focusing on one room at a time is nearly impossible for me! LOL The good news is that the living room is ALMOST done! I bought this adorable side table for 5 bucks from the Good Will last week to go in between the two accent chair in the living room! (just another excuse to stack books and other nick nacks somewhere) and ran to the home depot for more primer, paint and wipe on poly!!! I even bought a crystal knob that's screw is too short for but we'll work it out! and TA DAH! Patting myself on the back... waiting for this baby to dry so that I can doll her up and take pics of that side of the room since its all decked out!


I sware I have an addiction to cute little notebooks...
Why?, I have no idea but whenever i see one that I like I just have to snatch it up.
It's funny... I walk around and whenever a thought pops in my head I just write it down..
My book lately has been overwhelmed with Shopping and To Do Lists...
and today I am actually in the proccess of scratching most of the To Do's off!!!
What's your addiction?


and another one...

If you don't already have a tattoo and are planning to soon get one you must know
I think I'm at like 14 or 15...
Everytime I try and count them I forget one so I have to start over...
Luckily there all small and can be hidden quite well...
I'm Smart ;)

Well.... My newest addition to the body art!



You Better Work Fridays

Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up!!!! Despite the fact that I am totally pissed of with Alicia Keys right now... (O don't act like ya'll aint know she was letting a MARRIED man reach into the cookie Jar... That's a NO NO for all the wives out there!) I still LOVE the song Unthinkable... I was hoping that the video would've been released by now... But Nope.. Well I came across this girl Lydia Paek... and the girl can SAAAANNNNGGG (and i mean outside the studio! Imagine what she'd sound like after mastering and editing... yeah i know a lil something something... I sing too lol) My question... WHY IN THE HELL ISN'T SHE SIGNED!? I'm so tired of the low budget none singing bitches getting all the play and leaving the Real Talent to upload videos via You Tube. What the hell.... Anyway enough of my ranting.... Ms. Paek you better work!!!!!

bri3jet- Don't know her real name...

Lusting ....

Am I the only one who walks into a thrift store knowing damn well there is no room for another piece
of furniture in their home but just can't resist the possibilites???
Drives me CRAZY!My husband nags at me all the time about how quickly I out grow something, throw it away and go spend money on something else....
ummm Change is Good Sir, Change is Good
and besides... Its not like I go to West Elm every few months and splurge... Goodwill Baby!
Well... Some Idiot came into my house to fix something and ended up breaking much more...
O trust me if I would have been home to see that I would've broke that ass!!!
Imagine how I felt to come home to a cracked Ghost Chair and chipped hutch..

I cried and cussed for about a week.
It was pur luck that I came across the last hutch for 30.00

That doesn't happen to often...

And then with my gucci glasses I spied this baby!

Gorgeous Aint She...
Look at her Legs... Look at her pulls
She's a bad, bad mother (shut my mouth)
She was calling my name...
O what I wouldn't do with a fresh coat of paint and a fabulous wallpaper...
Talk about starting over!
One problem... She was like 75.00 (I think)
I will hold on to ol' faithful and put some black tape over her cracks until something else shows up.
Usually the Goodwill by me has 50% off furniture... I don't know what was up yesterday
But I'm going to cross my fingers anyhow and go bck everyday to say hi!
When her price comes down... I'll take her home with me!!!
I Hope!

Art Baby...

I've been secretly obsessing over Art Walls for quite some time... I just love the way they look!!!
I've been slacking on my thrifting adventures and my posts lately
 (My Bad Dolls... It gets like that sometimes lol)

 When I walked into thrift store today (that normally doesn't have shit ) I almost hit the floor!
Look at these frames!!!!
I didn't even want to change the art because I loved everything about them!
and I paid a total of 13.00 for all 3 of them!!!

Can you guys spot other bloggers in the thrift stores??? I know I can!
Cuz we all happen to look at the same stuff!

So added to the list of missions to accomplish....
Find more Fly ass Frames to add to my Fly ass Wall!

And so it begins...



Mother's Day!

The Best Gift that God could've given me thus far!!!

My beautiful son Miycah Adoniz!

He makes his mommy proud to be his mommy!


a gift to me

My Hubby is the SHAT!!!!!! I Love Love Love him!I couldn't have asked for a better Mother's Day Gift than a romantic dinner outside
 at Il Canali in Georgetown and a romantic stroll at the Jefferson Memorial.
It was BLISSFUL....




U better Work Friday's

This Friday I bring you Beyonce's Why Don't You Love Me Video...
and I LOVE IT!
Happy Friday Dolls
Be Fabulous!
"Why Don't You Love Me" - Beyoncé from Beyoncé on Vimeo.


Outdoor Decor- The Balcony

Well.... It's about that time to start getting the girls together for cocktails and laughs...
Right now my balcony looks like Santa's Paint Shop...
So it too needs a Fabulous make-over!



Images: Decor Pad, Apartment Therapy


Disclaimer.. I am who I am Get with it or Get left behind

I was doing my daily Twitter reads today and a good friend of mine updated her status with a disclaimer to her followers and i ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT... I don't remember exactly what it said but do remember that it was along the lines of Welcome and thank you for following.. before anyone gets offended I am who I am.. I say what I want and if you don't like it your loss... In a nut shell.. I had to send her a message saying girl I should put a disclaimer on all my spots lol... Everyday I look up and I have a new follower on my Blog... I get super excited and then a week later its minus one.. Same with Twitter... Sometimes its discouraging others it makes me laugh... Why should I mask my feelings or who I am? If you haven't already been able to tell I'm not at all a SAFE person... I'm the person who's the life of the party .. the person who everyone turns at for a reaction because they know I'm going to say What I want When I want and How I want no questions asked... So with that being said my disclaimer...


That is all folks!


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