
Lusting ....

Am I the only one who walks into a thrift store knowing damn well there is no room for another piece
of furniture in their home but just can't resist the possibilites???
Drives me CRAZY!My husband nags at me all the time about how quickly I out grow something, throw it away and go spend money on something else....
ummm Change is Good Sir, Change is Good
and besides... Its not like I go to West Elm every few months and splurge... Goodwill Baby!
Well... Some Idiot came into my house to fix something and ended up breaking much more...
O trust me if I would have been home to see that I would've broke that ass!!!
Imagine how I felt to come home to a cracked Ghost Chair and chipped hutch..

I cried and cussed for about a week.
It was pur luck that I came across the last hutch for 30.00

That doesn't happen to often...

And then with my gucci glasses I spied this baby!

Gorgeous Aint She...
Look at her Legs... Look at her pulls
She's a bad, bad mother (shut my mouth)
She was calling my name...
O what I wouldn't do with a fresh coat of paint and a fabulous wallpaper...
Talk about starting over!
One problem... She was like 75.00 (I think)
I will hold on to ol' faithful and put some black tape over her cracks until something else shows up.
Usually the Goodwill by me has 50% off furniture... I don't know what was up yesterday
But I'm going to cross my fingers anyhow and go bck everyday to say hi!
When her price comes down... I'll take her home with me!!!
I Hope!


Tonia Lee Smith said...

I think that was a good price for a piece like that, but I can understand, cause I get like that too when I'm out thrifting.

Diamonds Pearls and Crazy in the world of Barbie Jones said...

Yeah girl a GREAT price for a Mid Century piece... But I'm being cheap right now lol Don't make me feel bad doll lol. You are going to have me fly to the store in the morning!

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