I need to share some SERIOUS FIRE with you all today!!!! I told you the other day that Barbie Jones rocks hard with Black and White this season right…???
I found a blog through a blog the other day… don’t u LOVE when that happens???!!! and It’s absolutely FABULOUS!!! The name of the blog is bijou and boheme. Have you heard of it? You probably have.. Figures… I’m always the last to know
about something
… anywho… Christine of bijou and boheme posted some chairs that had me green with envy…
about something
I would sell my soul for those chairs… that table… the lamps…. Sexy on a stick! I’m telling u!!!!!!
Now.. More hotness of the day
Mr.Goodwillhunting I know you’ve heard of him before… I’ve mentioned his Fabulous self quite a few time!!! He loves Black and White as well!!!
I need these towels in my life… My bathroom is seriously DYING for these towels yall!
Candelabra.. ummmmm helllo!!!!! Yes! I need one of those as well!
You ARE seeing what I’m seeing right?????
I’m done… these post just made my day!
Those chairs are nice! I saw similar chairs at Marshall's :-)
yesssssssss Latoya!!! Aren't they bad?! I want some i wont b going to marhalls though lol craigslist or the gw!!!
Hey Barbie!
Thanks for stopping by the blog the other day. Great to see you are doing well.
As for this post...takes my breath away. I'd have to really battle you for those chairs. I've got the perfect place for them too! And that Mr. Goodwill Hunting is something else, isn't he. Refreshing to see a great guy with phenomenal taste!
I love the black and white chairs and accessories. Very chic. I followed your blog, it's pretty dope. Make sure you stop by mines sometime :)
Thanks so much for appreciating my little oh blog. You have some amazing stuff going on here. Of course I had to be a follower so that I can stay up to date on all of your amazing posts!
Mr. Goodwill Hunting
I so love those chairs- beautiful!
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