I’m going to regret this post… Because as soon as I go to purchase what I’m about to show you… they’re going to be sold out… WATCH! I’m going for the GLAM factor through out the house… Not only have I been addicted to brass I’ve been addicted to mirrored furniture as well.. I always have admired the mirrored side tables sold in Target but just couldn’t bring myself to pay 89.99 a piece for them… How did I get so cheap? Well… it looks like I’m NOT going to luck up and find any lying around in the thrift stores… so I’m going to have to just bite the bullet and swipe the card. sigh… I visited Target’s website and not only did I find the mirrored side tables that they’ve had FOREVER but dammit they’ve added more to the collection and OMG the prices don’t seem as bad as they were before… THEY EVEN HAVE A FREAKING MIRRORED coffee table.. which is sold out by the way… Not only do i HAVE TO HAVE the mirrored side tables but there is a mirrored console table that I MUST HAVE as well… Now before you run and tell ur friends.. think of me and tell them to atleast save me one until next week lol.
Isn’t she a GEM! uggggghhhhhhhh FABULOUS
That price is thebomb.com for this console table!
Mirrored Coffee Table…. OUT OF STOCK
Accent table… not really my style.. maybe yours
79.99 ON SALE
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