I've been wanting an Ipad for a long time.... I just couldn't get passed that steep ass price that goes with it. I went to my favorite place and used the technique my hubby taught me (literally wait until the last 59 seconds and bid!) and won a FABULOUS 16g Ipad!!! The price isn't much cheaper than what it would've cost me in the store but luckily the seller agreed to work with me so that I could send a couple of payments!!!! Good to see people are still in thier holiday spirit mode :) THAT probably wouldn't have flewn two months ago HEHE... I hear that the Ipad takes blogging to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL!!! I'm excited about the Moodboard Pro and Photolayout Finger Design Apps... Yes I did my homeowork :) Do any of you own an Ipad? What do you LOVE about it!!! How do you use it?
Well.... our Ipad needs a case doesn't it????? I think I'll get these :)
i can show you some bad ass cases that i found. there is one that will knock your socks off..they are just slow with shipping. i bought the mood baord app, but not the second one that you mentioned.
Payment plans! HipHipHooray!
Cuz QVC is the only place that lets me do that one!
I want a Nook or Kindle.
Is the IPAD better?
Enlighten me Paleeze!
Congrats on the bid win. I hustle the last 59s or so..too
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