
My Brush Bad

I LOVE decorating my home with nick nacks in unexpected places...I always come home from a day of thrifting with odds and ends to stick on a stack of books in the living room or wherever else seems fit in our home. I've seen calligraphy brushes in quite a few places and have admired them but haven't been lucky enough to find one lying around in a homegoods or newhere else for that matter... I did however find a few that have my heart on Etsy and Ebay! Have you seen these?



Alisha Bright said...

nice.. its nice to try different styles* Hows the Baby..?update please

Jen said...

Oh wow, these are neat and so unique!

###### said...

you know i collect those. i buy mine at tj maxx because i never know how to search for them online. and i will be damned if you didnt post them. thanks lady..

Bri@Meyouandawiener said...

Never seen these at Tjmaxx. I want to buy some to try my hand at Chinese watercolor.

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