
The Little Red Desk

I purchased the cutest little desk and chair set for the little guy a month ago at the GOODWILL and initally had planned to give it to him from Santa for Christmas... Well that idea went out the window when I realized that he had to help me sneak all the furniture out of my trunk onto the balcony before the hubs got home (giggle giggle) I am a terrible story teller so i went ahead and told him it was his BUT he couldn't have it until Christmas... So it sat on the balcony for a few weeks and finally Sunday I sanded, primed and painted this old desk a vibrant red!!! The first project in his new big boy room transformation! YAY



My cam is taking terrible pics today... okay maybe it's me but thanks to Sarah over at ThriftydecorChick i now know the secret of taking a good picture


The dove from out Silver Gold and Fuschia Christmas Tree

Thanks Girl :)


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