
So you think you can sing?

 My o so very talented male bestie Syn sent me a link to listen to some of his tracks that are on his cd... Of course I listened! I began browsing the other artists to listen to the competition... WHAT THE HELL!!!??? Now don't get me wrong there were quite a few that had my head swaying from side to side.. eyes closed... fingers snapping... Good... But then there were the OTHERS... My mouth LITERALLY smacked the floor ...Who the hell told these people they could sing? And I'm not even trying to be funny. You would have to go listen for yourselves it's completely UNBELIEVABLE... Reminds me of American Idol... You know.. Like those people who know good and damn well that they shouldn't be trying out in the first place .  It's a HOT ASS MESS SMDH and DON'T even get me started on the lyrics! Maybe it's the writer in me... But seriously.... Shit doesn't make sense every phrase ryhming like a Dr. Seus Book. and to think they spent money in a studio to record this mess.  Syn don't ever set me up like that AGAIN.



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